So my third attempt, how do I begin? My third attempt started off as a hopeful, you've got this, sort of vibe. And, as I painted the background, there was no doubt in my mind that I had this. When I was done with my background, I wanted to make beautiful circles with my pouncer...only I had no pouncer. Yes, pouncers are tools of art! Who knew?! They are sponge-like devices shaped like circles. They come in different sizes so you can make different sized circles. So I had no pouncers, no problem. Sometimes a girl just has to improvise. I had a beauty blender. That would do the trick right?! And it did. My circles turned out beautifully. Then I pencilled in both my girls in their ballgowns and they looked so promising. I painted the girl in the yellow dress first, which wasn't too bad. After this is where it went downhill. The green dress fiasco ensued. I started painting and when I was finished I hated it, so I painted over it and started again. This resulted in a muddied...