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Showing posts from December, 2017


Welcome to my new blog! I haven't decided what I want this blog to be about yet. The truth is, the only reason I started this blog was to help out a coworker who asked me for help with Google Blogs. The only catch, I had never used Google Blogs before. I blog on Wordpress as the The Makeshift Chef  however. You can check me there if you wish! But I digress. She asked for my help and since I used to build my own websites once upon a time, using nothing but good old fashioned coding, combined with the fact that I blog with Wordpress which uses a similar dashboard format, I didn't see this being too much of a challenge, and so here I am. I should mention that I am no expert at coding, I am self-taught, but then, it was pretty easy to pick up, given that I spent a lot of my young life on online forums which required HTML know-how. Anyway, hopefully I will figure out something to do with this space soon. Until then, see you later!